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Temmuz, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Yaşasın Demokrasi, Yaşasın Cumhuriyet

Yaşasın Demokrasi, Yaşasın Cumhuriyet Live long Democracy. Live long Republic Yaşasın Demokrasi, Yaşasın Cumhuriyet Türkiye Haritası Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi TBMM Görsem Resim   Atatütk ve Cumhuriyet Halka Buluşma


SWORD BROS. 07.07.17 17:07 pm

S-RMS Receivables and Risk Management System

SWORD BROS. S-RMS RISK MANAGEMENT Receivables and Risk Management System Receivables and Risk Management system for Non-Performing Loans. Product is a web-based operation and reporting system which tracks the processes and risks of the over-due receivables “NPL” result from all loan types of the banks in accordance with the legal legislation and which can work online and integrated with the banking system. Managing their legal processes by covering collection staff, solicitors and contractual law offices, the companies that have a good number of customers and belated non-performing loans both save their times and protect their sources SOLVE YOUR NPLs WITHOUT PROBLEM Managing their legal processes by covering collection staff, solicitors and contractual law offices, the companies that have a good number of customers and belated non-performing loans both save their times and protect their sources via SBank-RMS RMS RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM B...

SBank CRM Fintech

Customer Relationship Management SBANK CRM SWORD BROS.   Customer Relationship Management is the most fundamental goal for corporates to gain customer loyalty and meet with new customers. When your customers are satisfied with your services, they have no reason to look for alternatives. SBank-CRM allows you to better understand your customers and have a better service with its capability of serving all information in a compact dashboard.