Here are some grammar and vocabulary examples: В (in) + Prepositional Case Ex: В столе (in the table) На (on) + Prepositional Case Книга на столе (A book is on the table) Под (under) + Instrumental case Кот под столом (Cat is under the table) За (behind)+ Instrumental case Кот за столом (Cat is behind the table) Перед (in front of) + Instrumental case Сад перед домом (Garden is in front of the house) Над (above) + Instrumental case Картина над кроватью (A picture is above the bed) Внизу (below) + Genetive case Внизу страницы (At the foot of the page) Между (between) + Instrumental case Между нами (between us) Около (near, next to) + Genetive case Остановка автобуса находится около дома ( Bus stop is ...
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