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Mart, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

25 Mart Elmas yengem doğmuş

İnsanın mutlaka erkek kardeşleri olmalı kendini Güçlü kuvvetli hissetmeli kavga etmeli, güreş etmeli sonra barışmalı; barışmanın tadını anlamalı. Erkek kardeşler dağa benzer, ağaca benzer, kıyıya benzer, sırtın yere gelmez hani ama bir de kız kardeşlerin varsa,hele iki tane olursa hayat bayram olur. Kız kardeş gökyüzü gibidir,Deniz gibidir, denizde balık gibidir,  gökyüzünde güneş,  ağaçta elma gibidir...  işte Elmas sen de öyle bir kardeşsin... iyi ki doğdun, iyi ki hayatımızın bir parçası oldun. Nice mutlu yıllara sevgili kardeşim 25 Mart 2019 Moskova 

I sold my wedding presents to set up my company

The BBC's weekly The Boss series profiles different business leaders from around the world. This week we speak to Jeff Lawson, co-founder and chief executive of US technology company Twilio. Jeff Lawson Jeff Lawson was all set to secure investment in his new start-up Twilio when suddenly people thought the world might be collapsing. Back on Monday, 15 September 2008, Jeff and his two co-founders walked into a meeting with potential investors in Silicon Valley. Getting the funding was supposed to be "almost a formality", remembers Jeff, who was 31 at the time. Unfortunately, US investment bank Lehman Brothers had collapsed on the Sunday night, one of the most shocking moments of the then global financial crisis. "We walk in, and it's like chequebooks closed," says Jeff. "People were wondering: 'Is the world melting?!' "My co-founders and I looked at each other and thought: 'Maybe this is a dumb idea. Maybe you know, ma...

What is TransferWise?

TransferWise is the clever new way to convert money to send abroad. The idea is very simple.  Instead of making one international transfer, two local transfers are made. For example if you want to send pounds to euro, instead of making one international transfer with high fees, TransferWise makes two local transfers. So you will send your pounds to our sterling account in the UK, and then we will send your money out to your euro account from our euro account, so the money hasn’t actually travelled internationally. Banks have been treating people unfairly for decades. Many charge you huge fees when you convert your money to other currencies, then hide more fees in unfair exchange rates. TransferWise has found a simple way to bypass the international transfer fees from banks and make international money transfers transparent and fair as they should be. The pricing is transparent, the exchange rate is the real one, the small fee is easy to spot, and we pay out locally in most cas...