10. Use the cheapest hosting provider you can find.Preferably use a shared server that hosts hundreds of other sites, some of which are high-traffic porn sites. Don't check the list of recommended hosting providers. FYI: You can use a tool such as Robtex (if you are using a shared Hosting Provider) to see who you are sharing space with and if you should be proactive to request a move to another shared space. For example: http://www.robtex.com/dns/joomla.org.html , or for REALLY cool information: Google.com: http://www.robtex.com/dns/google.com.html . This shows domain, shared, whois, blacklist, analysis, contact... 9. Don't waste time with regular backups.Maybe the hosting provider will help you out. 8. Don't waste time adjusting PHP and Joomla! settings for increased security.Hey, the install was brain-dead easy. How bad could the rest be? Worry about those details only if there's a problem. 7. Use the same username and password for everything.Use the same us...
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