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Şubat, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

CyberPanel cheatsheet (configs, commands, fixes)

  A handy reference page for common CyberPanel commands and configurations. I made a list of the most common configurations and issues that I deal with on CyberPanel servers. If you don’t find what you need here, check on CyberPanel  documentation  or  forums . Install (CentOS): yum update , press “y” when asked sh <(curl || wget -O -  ( official link ) To update (when new versions are available),  sh <(curl || wget -O -  ( official link , for most recent update instructions and quick fixes if you see errors) Usual configs after installation: after finished, log into panel and create admin user account for client go to security/firewall and open port 7080 for LS console change LS console pass with  cd /usr/local/lsws/admi...

Linux Server Commands CHEATSHEET (for newb admins)

  Quicklist of Linux server commands. Just FYI, these commands are mostly for Apache/LiteSpeed servers on CentOS. I don’t do as much stuff with NGINX and Ubuntu. Will add more over time. OS: hostnamectl  – see operating system and version,  reference link hostname  – see hostname hostname  – change hostname to any desired domain whoami  – shows your user name (useful for knowing if you’re executing commands as root user or another user) su ,  su - ,  sudo -i  – switch to root user if you haven’t already. “su -” is probably more proper since it creates a login shell with new environment. passwd  – change password for current user logout  – log out of current user yum update  – update server packages (useful before doing new software installs) Auto completion – hit the [TAB] key while typing commands to auto complete names of directories and files. SSH: Connect to ssh  ssh user@ip -p 2222  (the  -...