Ana içeriğe atla


CJSC ISBANK provides a broad range of ruble-based and foreign currency-based banking services to its private customers, both residents and non-residents in the Russian Federation. The Bank offers the following types of services for individuals:

- Opening and maintenance of deposits;
- Opening and maintenance of current accounts;
- Effecting current account-based money transfers in Russian rubles and in foreign currencies to any location in Russia and the world;
- Effecting money transfers in Russian rubles and in foreign currencies through Western Union, Contact and UNIStream payment systems, without opening an account;
- Processing all types of payments both in cash and from a bank account;
- Offering personal safe deposit boxes for rent;
- Selling precious metals coins;
- Exchanging foreign currency;
- Authentication of foreign banknotes;
- Opening and maintenance of bank cards;
- Transferring wage/salary payments to bank card accounts;
- Lending;
- Transporting cash and valuables to locations specified by the Bank’s customers.

For a bank account opening to an individual being non-resident of the RF (in Russian rubles or in foreign currency): download  pdf icon
The list of documents required for opening an account for a non-resident individual: download  pdf icon
Tariffs for Moscow: download  pdf icon


Corporate Banking


CJSC ISBANK gives corporate customers, both residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation, a full range of services in rubles and in the foreign currency:
- Opening and servicing the accounts of legal entities;
- Cash management services in RF rubles;
- Cash management services in foreign currency;
- Attraction of free funds to Bank’s deposits and promissory notes;
- Acceptance of cash payments from the population for the benefit of the organization;
- Servicing using the IBANK 2 online banking;
- Trade finance transactions on the Russian territory;
- Trade finance transactions at international settlement;
- Bank cards (corporate, salary);
- Acceptance of cards in points of sale (trade acquiring);
- Cash collection services;
- Acceptance, recalculation and charging of proceeds in cash to the settlement account of organizations;
- Granting loans to legal entities;
- Providing safety deposit boxes.

Financial Institutions

Cooperation with financial institutes that have good business reputation and high reliability is one of the priorities for CJSC ISBANK. Due to modern means of communications, reliable software, trading and information systems, CJSC ISBANK quickly receives and uses relevant financial information in full.
Contact Us:
Reuters Dealing (ISBM)
S.W.I.F.T. code - ISBKRUMM




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