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Faster Than Cars Drive - Kate Tucker Lyrics

Way out on that west coast
Going to a show
Tell me something
That I don't already know
Cause I'm tired of talking
Saying stupid things
Why don't you take over
I'll be listening
And your heart was beating
Faster than cars drive
Through Montana
Say you're moving back there
This is our last show
No more late night tv
Late night radio
Been over a year now
Playing your own shows
And I'm dying to hear you on my radio
And your heart was beating
Faster than cars drive
Through Montana
Every night
Now you're just too far from
Everywhere we've been
Everywhere you're going is
Far away from this
Farther than the ocean to the moon
Farther than Hank Williams from the blues
Farther than this night is from our days
Farther than these radio waves
And your heart was beating
Faster than cars drive
Through Montana
Every night
Is your heart still beating
Faster than cars drive
Through Montana
Every night
Cause my heart is beating
Even faster than the cars drive
Through Montana
Every night



  1. Проститутки M. Московская - Индивидуалка Юля, Район Московский, +7 (981) 123-01-44 Отзывы о девушке Соня, Москва, (929)9762220 Отзывы о девушке Кристи, Москва, (965)1206811 Отзывы о девушке Кристина, Санкт-Петербург, (981)1558295 Проститутки M. Южная - Индивидуалка Мила, +7 (965) 254-75-68

    дешевые проститутки ростов на дону


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