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Romantic phrases in Spanish

Are you ready for the ultimate dating in Spanish lesson? Listen to the audio and learn how to say I love you in Spanish, along with other very important Spanish phrases – after all, Spanish is world renowned as one of the languages of love and romance!
Whether you’re dating or just making some friendly Spanish conversation, you never know when you might need to use these…

"I love you" and other romantic phrases in Spanish

¿Quieres salir a…?
Do you want to go to...?
Me gustaría…
I would like to...
Me encantaría…
I would love to...
Claro / Por supuesto
Of course / Certainly
Would you like to...? (casual)
¿Le gustaría...?
Would you like to...? (formal)
Me gusta mucho.
I like that very much.
No me gusta tanto.
I don't like that very much.
¡Que divertido!
That's fun!
¡Que aburrido!
That's boring!
De nada / Con mucho gusto.
You're welcome / My pleasure.

What do you do when you meet someone and you realize that you are falling in love?

Here are some phrases you might want to use… please note that "Te quiero" is much stronger than "I like you", it really means "I have feelings for you," but it's not quite as strong as "I love you".
Me gustas / Te quiero
I like you (romantically)
Me caes bien.
I like you (friendly)
Te quiero mucho.
I like you very much. (romantically)
Estoy enamorada / Estoy enamorado.
I'm in love.
If you want to confess your love to someone, just say:
Te amo.
I love you.
Te adoro.
I adore you.
Te necesito.
I need you.
Hopefully the answer will be…
Yo también te amo.
I love you, too.
If you want to find out if someone loves you, ask:
¿Me amas? / ¿Me quieres?
Do you love me?
If you love someone more than anything say…
Te amo más que nada en el mundo!
I love you more than anything in the world!
Or, if you’ve found the love of your life, say...
Eres el amor de mi vida.
You are the love of my life.
And, one more romantic phrase...
Te quiero con todo mi corazón.
I love you with all of my heart.
You can ask someone out on a date by saying one of the following phrases…
¿Quieres salir conmigo?
Do you want to go out with me? (casual)
¿Te gustaría salir conmigo?
Would you like to go out with me? (formal)
¿Quieres cenar juntos esta noche?
Would you like to have dinner tonight?
Me gustaría salir contigo.
I would like to take you out.
If the date went well you might want to say…
Gracias por un día maravilloso.
Thank you for a lovely day...
Gracias por una noche maravillosa.
Thank you for a lovely night...
Some more useful phrases when dating the man or woman of your dreams…
¡Qué hermosa te ves! / ¡Qué hermoso te ves!
How beautiful you look!
Me haces feliz.
You make me happy.
Eres tan cariñosa / cariñoso
You are so sweet.
Quiero estar contigo para siempre.
I want to be with you forever.
Pienso en ti siempre.
I always think of you.
Eres la persona más hermosa / hermoso del mundo.
You are the most beautiful person in the world.
¿Quieres casarte conmigo? / ¿Te gustaría casarte conmigo?
Do you want to marry me?
Eres el hombre de mis sueños.
You are the man of my dreams.
Eres la mujer de mis sueños.
You are the woman of my dreams.
¡Eres increíble!
You are incredible!
If you are going out with someone who is not exactly what you were hoping for you could say…
Solo quiero ser amigos.
I just want to be friends.
Me caes mal.
I don't like you.
No estoy interesada / interesado
I'm not interested.
Déjame sola / solo
Leave me alone.
Mauricio Evlampieff
Rocket Spanish

Thank you :


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