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10 Awesome Tools for Website Malware Scanning – Stay Secured

Since then, it’s growing, and today there is total overall 1.7 billion malware.

Exciting stats by Kaspersky about top 10 countries from malware was launched.

An attacker may use various techniques to inject the malicious code into your website code.
 Let’s take a look at the online tools which helps you to scan your website against the malware. This will help you to know if your site is affected by known malware so you can take necessary action to clean them.

1. Quttera

Quttera offers free malware scanning against your WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Bulletin, SharePoint website and provides you the excellent report with following details.
  • Malicious files
  • Suspicious files
  • Potentially Suspicious files
  • Clean files
  • External links detected
  • Iframes scanned
  • Blacklisted status
They also offer service to clean the malware from the infected website and blacklist removal.


SUCURI is one of the best-known Security Scanners available for any platform websites including WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc. They let you scan your website against malware in free with the following information.
  • Malware is detected
  • Website blacklisting against ten blacklists
  • Injected SPAM
  • Defacements
In case your site has malware, blacklisted or victim of bot spams then you may also consider SUCURI’s security professional help to repair them.

3. SiteGuarding

SiteGauarding’s site check result may look similar to SUCURI.
It checks for malware by external scan network and verifies blacklisting, SPAM, defacement.

4. Web Inspector

WebInspector offers a free scan to quickly check if the web page is malicious or not and show you the threat report of following.
  • Blacklist
  • Phishing
  • Malware Downloads
  • Drive-by-Downloads
  • Worms
  • Backdoors
  • Trojans
  • Suspicious iframes
  • Heuristic Viruses
  • Suspicious Code/Connections/Activity

5. Google Malware Checker

Google Safe Browsing check the web page if contains malware or phishing content. The quickest way to find whether a website is dangerous to visit.

6. Metascan

Metascan helps you to scan an IP address or file for malware. The file is scanned with 43 anti-malware engines and IP with following 12 sources.
  • Alien Vault
  • Brute Force Blocker
  • Chaos Reigns
  • Clean MX
  • Dragon Research Group
  • Feodo Tracker
  • Malc0de
  • Malware Domain List
  • OpenBL
  • Phish Tank
  • The Spamhaus Project
  • Zeus Tracker

7. Qualys MD

Qualys Malware Detection helps you to scan continuously for malware against your website with an actionable report along with infected code for remediation. Qualys got a nice dashboard with easy configuration and option to alert for any issue found.

8. Virus Total

VirusTotal analyzes suspicious files from multiple online scanners like Kaspersky, Malware, Dr. Web, Netcraft, Trustwave, Cybercrime, CloudStat and much more for viruses, worms, Trojans, and another kind of malware.

9. ReScan

ReScan does behavioral scanning on static and dynamic pages. It provides a quick report after following checks.
  • Is there any hidden redirection
  • Check if there are any suspicious widgets, adware, spyware
  • Blacklist lookup against more than 60 Internet database
  • Find for blackhat SEO spam links
This is how a report looks like.

10. Hacker Combat

Hacker Combat offers a free tool to check the site for worms, backdoors, malware downloads, suspicious code, trojans, phishing, etc.
Once the scan is done, it will prompt you to enter the email where the report can be sent.
Securing site is always challenging. Performing periodic checks on your website for malware is fine.
However, if you are looking for continuous security protection & monitoring, then you may consider cloud-based security provide like SUCURI.


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